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“It can’t be ruled out that the missile threat from North Korea has led to the passenger decrease,” a JAL official said. At leading travel agency JTB Corp., some customers postponed their Guam tours departing during or after the Bon holiday period. JTB is now starting to receive new reservations for Guam tours. But a company spokesman voiced concern over Tuesday’s ballistic missile launch by North Korea, saying it “may slow the pace of recovery” in customer numbers. The missile fell into the Pacific after flying over the southwestern part of Hokkaido. This came after the reclusive country fired what appeared to be three short-range missiles on Saturday. Railways, including East Japan Railway Co., temporarily halted part of their train services or took other safety measures on Tuesday following the latest missile firing. “We have no choice but to suspend our services each time (a missile is launched) as we put safety first,” said an official of JR East, which suspended some of its shinkansen services. Airlines continued their flight services normally on Tuesday.
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